Are you planning to do work on your home or rental property? If so, the Home Renovation Incentive (H
The Home Renovation Incentive provides for tax relief for homeowners and landlords by way of a tax credit at 13.5% of qualifying...

PAYE Modernisation is coming to Ireland in 2019, how will payroll change?
As an employer in Ireland, you may have received a letter from the Revenue Commissioners recently that they are making changes to the...

The Re-imbursement of Travel & Subsistence Expenses of an Irish Resident Non-Executive Director?
The Finance Act 2016 provides for an exemption from Income Tax in respect of certain expense payments made by a company to, or on behalf...

Reduced Frequency of Filing Tax Returns & Payments
Good News for Small Business as Revenue announce Reduced Frequency of Filing Tax Returns and Payments. The Revenue has announced...